The Policy of Peer-reviewed Refereed Scientific Journal “Works” of Georgian Technical University
Clause 1. Basic Code
1.1. The collection of scientific papers of the Georgian Technical University "Works of GTU" (hereinafter: scientific journal) is a quarterly multidisciplinary peer-reviewed, refereed periodical, founded in 1924, in which publications reflecting the main results of scientific research are published.
1.2. The creation of a scientific journal is regulated by the main normative-legal documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and the policy of GTU as well as the regulations established by the editorial publishing board of GTU in accordance with these regulations.
Clause 2. Objectives and Task
2.1. The scientific journal is part of the scientific-informational system of the Georgian Technical University. Reflection of the results of scientific-research, scientific-practical and experimental activities of scientists and students, promotion and stimulation of scientific-research work;
2.2. Harmonization of scientific research process and preparation of publications with standards; Availability of the scientific-research products created at the university to the general public both within the country and abroad;
2.3. Ensuring publicity of the research and results of the scientific collectives of the scientific research centers and faculties of the university.
Clause 3. Periodicity and areas of specialization of the scientific journal
3.1. The scientific journal is published quarterly (four times a year) and has assigned ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) — a universal number used to identify a printed or electronic serial publications. An ISSN is eight digits long — the first seven digits serve as the title number and the eighth is a check digit which provides an efficient means for discovering transcription errors.
3.2. A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is assigned to the completed journal and all articles separately. The full PDF version of the journal is placed on the website of the journal — You can also check on the journal in Google Scholar and Index Copernicus International data base.
3.3 The scientific journal reflects the results of fundamental and applied scientific research of students and scientists. The articles in the journal are sorted by the SCOPUS classifier of scientific journals;
Clause 4. Management of the Scientific Journal.
4.1. The scientific journal is managed by the editor-in-chief (Rector of GTU) and the editorial board.
4.2. The Academic Council of GTU approves the editorial board, consisting of candidates from faculties and scientific research institutes.
4.3. The deputy rector submits the nominations of the editorial board to the academic council for approval which is the governing body of the journal.
4.4. Compilation, publication and printing of the scientific journal is provided by the publishing house "Technical University".
4.5. The editor-in-chief of the journal (Rector of GTU) provides current leadership to the editorial board.
4.6. The editorial board can refuse to publish an article if it does not meet the publication requirements and rules.
Clause 5. Publication of Articles
5.1. The article is accepted for publication if it meets the requirements for original authorship. You can find detailed instructions for authors on the webpage of the scientific journal
5.2. The publisher's website administrator and editor upload information about the articles of the new issue to the journal's website.
Clause 6. Conditions of publication
6.1. Only previously unpublished original scientific articles are accepted for publication.
6.2. Articles are accepted from both students and staff members of the university.
*Please see the instructions for authors.